From coordinating dates to securing venues, many factors make hosting a corporate event challenging. These are even more difficult when you’re a small business. As a small business owner, you have quite a few things to consider when in the planning stages. The most crucial is ensuring that your employees are comfortable, informed, and pleased with the level of professionalism. Elevating a corporate event from uninspiring to noteworthy may seem like a daunting task – but it doesn’t have to be. Running an exceptional event can be done with relative ease as long as you possess a can-do attitude and utilize certain tools for success.
Training Day
Hit the ground running by offering new employees a day-one guide to navigating your small business. Specialized orientation programs are perfect for acquainting new hires into your workforce thanks to a productive introduction into the nuances of your day-to-day operations. Roll out the welcome wagon by inviting employees to start their day off with a catered breakfast, ushering them into the workspace in an informal manner that leads to introductions to their coworkers. First-day goodies such as lanyards, name tags, and company apparel invite your latest staff additions to feel welcome and comfortable with their new workplace family. Finally, pair your new hire with a seasoned employee in their field for training, ensuring a productive start.
Believe in the Dream
Fostering a sense of unity through corporate retreats can help to build a team you’re proud to call your own. Any good leader knows that a team is only as strong as the relationships they’re bonded by. Corporate retreats are a perfect opportunity to solidify relationships and work towards the common goal of productive synergy. These retreats can include team-building exercises, business brainstorming sessions, and a whole slew of other group activities focused on bonding. Take, for example, the idea of a company field day, imploring valued members of your corporate family to break into teams for an old-fashioned day of intramural activities, complete with printed t-shirts for the teams. Other activities that facilitate camaraderie are sack racing, kickball, and Wiffle ball home run derbies. When groups wear uniform apparel or other accessories, each individual feels more connected with their fellow team members and the bond between them strengthens.
Break the Ice
Part-time, contract, or temp employees are just as valuable as your full-time employees. When facilitating your company’s next event, take steps to include these workers in exercises tailored to their roles and responsibilities as well as including them in the wider range of activities. The specificities of unique positions such as temporary employees must be recognized while still fostering the chance for them to bond with full-time teams. Ice breaker games are a simple yet effective way of encouraging employees to come out of their shells and learn more about their teammates.
Giving Back

Fundraisers and charity events allow your business to give back, all while simultaneously charting new territory for your brand as goodwill ambassadors in your community. No matter the philanthropic endeavor, be it volunteer work in animal shelters or serving meals at a local meal kitchen, there’s always an opportunity for you and your employees to get involved and make a difference. An organized charity fundraiser hosted by your company should reflect the charity’s mission as well as the goals your business strives to accomplish.
- Reach outside of your company to potential donors and inside to sign up volunteers, each with personalized emails encouraging them to actively participate with your cause.
- Design shirts for your employees and their participating family members commemorating their participation in the event, as well as gifts for donors.
- Embrace social media and traditional advertising in the promotion of the fundraiser, emphasizing your company’s commitment to engaging with the community.
- Be sure to send folded thank you cards and emails to everyone who volunteered or contributed funds. The personalized touch makes all the difference when it comes to creating bonds that last.
Squad Goals
If you decide to host a larger event, ensure your staff is equipped to represent your company in the most positive light. Whether you are utilizing existing employees or hiring new staffers, the appearance and roles of your event staff should be the main point of consideration in the pre-production stage of planning. A well-coordinated, efficient staff makes a strong impression on attendees and clients alike. Here are a few leadership tips to help you organize your staff like a professional:
- Keep everyone in the know by holding information sessions prior to your event. The more they are informed, the smoother your occasion will run.
- Communication is key. Have an efficient communication system in place with your staff to address any on the spot situations during your event.
- Provide your employees with custom polo shirts that create a sense of visual unity as well as provide information to attendees.
- Incentivize staff to perform their best through encouragement and rewards. These rewards can range from gift cards to an extra vacation day. You can even throw a post-event party to celebrate all you and your staff have accomplished.