Clockwise Roundabout Symbol Aluminum Sign (EGR Reflective)


Roundabout Signs are Heavy-Duty

Complicated roads make driving difficult, but signs help alert drivers to the flow of traffic. Use cautionary road signs to warn drivers about the clockwise direction of roundabouts for increased road safety.

Structural stability in the aluminum signs ensures durability. The rustproof metal prevents corrosion.

Laminated Cautionary Road Signs are Highly Visible

To reinforce the surface strength of the traffic management signs, we offer optional lamination. This protects against chemicals, moisture, weather, and scratches for a seven-year lifespan.

Light reflects off the roundabout signs and attracts attention via a sheeting of 3M™ engineer-grade prismatic film. Full-color graphics give the digitally printed signs an eye-catching finish.

Disclaimer: All sign and banner content on BannerBuzz is used for example purposes only. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to contact their local, city, or state government offices to obtain the legal requirements for all signs before having their signs printed.