Security Alarm Warning Aluminum Sign (EGR Reflective)


Security Alarm Signs are Durable

Keeping people out of certain areas requires signs that designate off-limit spaces. Install our surveillance signs to warn people about restricted areas and the use of security alarms.

Our aluminum signs resist rust to retain structural stability. The heavy-duty material doesn’t bend or corrode, offering durability.

Surveillance Signs Offer Longevity and High Visibility

Enhancing the surface resistance to chemicals, weather, and scratches extends the longevity of the signs. A laminated coating gives the reflective warning signs a 7-year lifespan.

Our security alarm signs are easy to see via the 3M™ engineer-grade prismatic film reflecting light. We also use digital printing with full-color ink, so the signs are highly visible.

Disclaimer: All sign and banner content on BannerBuzz is used for example purposes only. It is the sole responsibility of the purchaser to contact their local, city, or state government offices to obtain the legal requirements for any and all signs before having their signs printed.